Friday, January 7, 2011

WTF...??? on - Michio Kaku - Alien life should be kept 'Top Secret'.

Ok .. every one has their WTF moments in life . Mine happened today, as i was watching Dr, Michio Kaku talk on this Youtube video. I have never begged to differ from him before. It was't offending to find him say "THAT" conceitedly , but it was offensive to find "HIM" say that, someone you end up identifying with Intellectual merit, etc.

What follows are the youtube Video itself and my comments on it.
(This being my first Blog is a complete OUTBURST)

Wow... This is the first time EVER i'm gonna disagree with you, i never expected to hear such a conceited remark from you. Its not whether you agree with Freedom of Speech, or not ... but you said If ever extraterrestrial life was encountered it would not be released as its a matter of "NATIONAL SECURITY".
1. I don't think a civilization a million years advanced than us, if at all chooses to differentiate us by "OUR" standards, would do so by countries, ruling governments or foreign policies.
2. They certainly ain't gonna call up "WHITE HOUSE" and say.." Mr.President, we are so proud of your country and its performance, its dominance in International platform. We find it befitting that your PROUD ASS be the ones to welcome us on PLANET AMERICA... Ohhh!!! We completely understand how rest of the measly jealous asses could pose a security threat to Your Honorable Nation."
3. "Ohh By the way, we certainly dont want the "FREE SPEECH INTERNET BASTEDS" to know of our arrival.
THe POINT being.. such a moment will be the greatest for HUMANITY and last time i knew HUMANITY was not SYNONYMOUS with AMERICA... THE Aliens an't gonna Waltz in to NASA and say.. " You are the center of intelligence of this entire planet"... Ohh.. but there is not doubt in my heart that you guys would either try to exploit them if u find any weakness.. or suck up to them if they are too Powerful. All this bullshit to get their weapons technology hence gaining a lead in a new arms race.
Exactly like the way u greed for crude in Middle east. LOL LOL LOL.. TECHNOLOGY SHARING >>>> MY ASSS... LOLZ Must be the AMERICAN DREAM.