Saturday, September 1, 2012

Another thing wrong with INDIA at the moment - Narendra Modi

It was his hand behind Godhra, 
October 2001 - Modi comes to power 
February 2002 -Godhra happens... 
Result- He gets a decade-long reign of Gujrat...

it's laughable how every moron ran and voted for Modi. How FUCKED Up!! need people be to not see it. POlitics is the same everywhere...

January 2001 - Bush comes to power.
September 2001 - Twin towers (of course he know about it and used it to his advantage)
Result - He uses it invade Iraq, Afghanistan and stays in power for almost a decade.

People are nothing but vote Banks, No matter how many yo kill, people will always fuck other people and make more people, hence they are expendable and rightfully so, mass has no mind of its own and People who follow herd mentality like sheeps deserve to be devoured by the wolf packs. So get out of herd mentality and start thinking of for yourselves individually.

And if you have been voting for these fools because you have been thinking for yourselves already...LOLZZZ hope your god save you all.