Thursday, August 30, 2012

Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina. A Review *SPOILERS*

The are many books which, after reading the first 2 pages i have instinctively understood were not my cup of tea, and many more i simply do not bother with. e.g spiritual stuff...

And yet if i have not read any other books of Leo Tolstoy, i solely blame this book and this book alone. I regret the day i picked up this book over other works of Tolstoy, my mistake of inherent weakness for exotic women from far away lands and foreign cultures. I always had a weakness for nobel russian women and watching a still of beautiful Sophie Marceau posing as Anna Karenina sealed the deal for me, BOY would i regret that later.

At the beginning everything was nice and cold like true russian winter and she so noblesque and vulnerable but what started off as alluring slowly started turning into rebuke and ended up in complete and utter revulsion for this character.

* CAREFULL SPOILERS AHEAD...* & so called usage of OBSCENE LANGUAGE by the so called normal social standards.

Little did i know that Anna Karenina will end up becoming my most hated female character in literature and will be exalted to the epitome of my most hated feminine stereotype. Even till this day just writing about her makes my blood boil !!!.

I mean how fucked up does a woman need be, she has a nice husband though bonded by respect not love and a child she adores. then she finds a lover who adores her and sticks by her, so in the name of love she dumps her husband for some new cock and whelps out a kid. AND THEN SOMETHING BRILLIANT HAPPENS...

She COMPLETELY ruins her new life... she neglects the child she has, for the child she had but wants her husband to give up whilst keeping the lover's cock inbetween her legs. I mean FUCK ME ! SENSELESS !!! By then i was so rabid with anger that my reasoning and rational went out the window and i wanted any character in the book to SLAP THE BLOODY! BITCH!!! ABSOLUTELY SENSELESS !!!.

I finished the book dragging through every page taking solace in fact that this TWIT of a TWAT dies in the end... and when the train finally hits her i wishes i could be there and grab her head and bash it thrice over simply to quell my anger.

I knew this will be one book i will never read again...

Dont get me wrong, this book probably must be a great book, very well written book for no other book had evoked such strong emotions of hatred within me... that till this day i have never picked up another Tolstoy though i'm thinking to change that in near future.

Hence, Anna Karenina is the my most hated book of all time and that says a lot.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Most pressing problem India Faces - Its Fucked-Up Youngsters.

Aug 01, Kohapur. 13 year old girl sexually exploited by School Teacher and 3 ex-students.

Aug 07, Sodepur. Car driver tries to rape 8 year old in front of other children.

Aug 10, Mumbai. Watchman attempts rape and murders a girl in her apt.

Aug 11, Silchar. 17 year old gang-raped.

Aug 13, Bumpur. Minor girl raped and murdered.

Aug 14, Kolkata. Woman dragged into car and gang-raped

Aug 20, Kolkata. 22 year old gang-raped in broad daylight and left to die.

Aug 21, Barasat. Woman gang-raped by her landlord and his 4 friends.

Aug 22, Coimbatore. Man rapes his 14 year old Handicapped niece.

Aug 23, Hydrabad. 13 year old girl raped.

Aug 28, Jaisalmer. Girl raped by neighbour , commits suicide.

A small list i put together for the month of August 2012, only cases reported by the news media.

Apparently this is not the most pressing issue this country faces according to the youngsters of today. The Middle class youth of this country have a much bigger concern over something which is ruining their country, shredding the fabric of its society. A rott from the west that has invaded their culture corrupting their culture for the inside.

A product of Modernization which apparently is a synonym for Western Culture which has led to Indian women going to clubs and smoking, drinking alcohol, getting drunk and apparently smoke weed and indulge in live-in relationships too. These women are the ones ruining the culture and country right now.

SAYS WHO..???!!!

A young lad called Adhi a.k.a HipHop Tamizha, a rising Hiphop star from Chennai, in his new song "Club le, Mubb Le". Translating roughly " Club mein, Nashe mein" "In Da Club, Pissed Drunk".

Should i dismiss this Sexist piece of regressive crap as an episode of Teenage angst, probably i should. But then the amount of likes this video has generated on youtube, the amount of publicity its receiving over Regional Radio network, concerns me deeply.

Especially on the wake of the Guwahati incident. The 30 Men with the same mentality that molested a teenage girl on a main roads of Guwahati besides full on traffic, no one to stop, no one bothered, while these men self-convinced of punishing the uncultured, attacked, molested and abused away.

Its completely disheartening, watching the young crowd in the forums complimenting and congratulating the singer for the song and its lyrics, jeering and egging each other on.

What completely flabbergasts me is, forget questioning the the intellectual capacity of the youngsters but are they even equipped with some basic form of intelligence ?

When i see this song all i see is sexist, derogatory, regressive ramblings of a bigot ! and the support from the public and mainstream media only proves there being many more, wherever these people come from.

The song begins with him dissing Modernization and Western Culture singing in hiphop which in itself is a western influence, in his modern hip-hop attire of Denims and fake quilted jacket, modern hair-do, everything a modern western influence . Saying the song is basically dedicated for western and modern people. Even the video is shot in Western hophop fashion.  Gibberish translation being

"Pissed drunk gurl, Loafing around in da club,
whass happening in the land of pure tamil.
ladies, hello to all,
modesty has taken a hike.(Basically insinuates,  women have flown their underwears of immodesty shamelessly in the air)

Rest is following repeated over and over again," They Smoke and drink rum, even smoke ganja and wear handkerchiefs for clothes. Attention seeking girls should not blame boys for getting them pregnant and dumping them."
Basically how debased and downtrodden these modern girls are. Totally one-sided sexist crap.

I dont understand, what level of intelligence does it take to see through this farce but one thing is sure, the majority of youth are completely oblivious to it.

The encouragement and support these people are receiving from social media and mainstream media is downright scary, not to mention the public. It seriously makes me question how safe is the indian moden woman in this country. Apparently women who dont lead such lifestyles have extended their support and taken up this jargon too.